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Prarthana Papu Nursery

Primary and Secondary Classes

Juxtaposed to the curricular and co- curricular activities, tests and exams are conducted to establish academic vigour.
Totally four formative assessments (Individual + Group + Pen Paper Test), two summative assessments and two preparatory assessments (for senior secondary) are conducted. Academics form the crux of the high school tenure as the academic development is articulated as a major challenge for all disciplinary oriented courses.
Counselling Sessions are conducted by the experienced counselors for both the staff and the pupil giving guidance on personal, social and psychological issues as and when needed.
Overall, Prarthana no longer sells a dream. It inspires and perpetuates an entire lifestyle.
When it comes to school, people can trust us…

No Benches/Desks

Our Pre-Primary classrooms do not have tables and chairs, so that every child can move around, touch, feel, play freely and be themselves, just like they are home

Pre- reading activities

 To inculcate the habit and liking for reading, white easing the burden of reading.

Pre-writing activity

Sandpaper tracing, writing and sand/air, slate/ chalkboard, focus on fine motor skills thus resulting in better pencil grip. We encourage cursive writing as it results in neatness and better speed from grade 1 onwards.